September 20th-October 5th, Connie and I had the opportunity to travel to Albania, Greece, and Crete for a second time this year. Your prayers truly had an impact!
Early on in our trip, we had the privilege of speaking to the 2022 graduating class of RHEMA Greece. In all, 28 students graduated – 10 students from Thessaloniki, 1 student from Rhodes, and 17 students from Athens. It is al- ways a joy to be a part of an RBTC Graduation. We sensed the same Spirit of Faith and the same standard of excellence at each RBTC graduation we attended. Pastor Spyros Voulgaris and his team are outstanding! Connie and I also had the privilege of ministering at his church Sunday morning: Logos Church Athens. It is an awesome church making a major impact in Athens and throughout the nation of Greece.
After our Sunday morning service in Athens, we flew to Crete to minister Sunday night at a new work that was established by Pastor Spyros: Logos Church, Crete. We were blessed to share the Word of God with this new church! The last time we were in Crete to visit the new church plant, they were still meeting in a house for services. If you recall, we shared a video showing the new building they acquired. During this trip, we had the privilege of ministering in their new building.
Next, Connie and I travelled to Albania to speak to the RBTC Albania Graduating Class of 2022. This was Albania’s first graduation! We re- joice with these 27 graduates who persevered for almost five years to complete their program. Immediately after the graduation ceremony, we held a special service with the guests and pastors who attended the graduation. Special thanks to Pastor Fatmir and Silva Spahui for hosting us and for making this meeting possible. Pastor Fatmir and Silva pastor Living Word Church in Tirana, Albania.
Our final meeting was held back at Logos Church, Athens Greece, pastored by Spyros Voulgaris. We shared with his staff, ministry team, and key individuals about the connection between reverence and the full measure of God’s Blessings. A group from Logos Church Thessaloniki joined us through a live Zoom link, as well.
Congratulations to Pastor Spyros Voulgaris, Dean Bruna Guri, and the entire staff of RHEMA Greece and Albania for their hard work in making these programs a huge success. We hope you enjoy the photos of our time there. Your prayers for us were felt, and their impact carries on!