God Inside Minded
What does it mean to be God-Inside-Minded? It’s living out of the awareness that God, through the person of the Holy Spirit, lives in you. The Bible teaches us that we are the temple or the dwelling place for God. What an amazing statement!
When you understand and put into practice this one simple truth, your life will become different. Depression will cease. Fear will become a thing of the past. Sickness and disease will no longer dominate you. Every day will become a brighter and more glorious day!
In this audio message, you will learn that:
- Every Christian already has all the power and ability they need to overcome any situation in life.
- There is a collective anointing that can only be experienced when we gather together with other believers in the context of a local church.
- The moment we became Christians, our spirits become the house of God or a dwelling place for the Spirit of God.
- It is critically import that we present ourselves to God.
- We have received another Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who is identical in nature and character to Jesus.
- We can activate the power of God in our everyday lives.
(This audio message was originally shared at RHEMA Bible Church in Broken Arrow, OK, pastored by Rev. Kenneth and Lynette Hagin.)