Amos and Doris Wong are 1999 graduates of RBTC, USA, pastors of Richmond Christian Chinese Church in Vancouver, Canada and the Directors of RHEMA China. Connie and I have known and worked very closely with Amos and Doris for the past 20 years. They are wonderful friends as well as outstanding ministers of the Gospel.
Over the past 20 years, Amos and Doris have faithfully supported us and worked alongside of us to help establish many different ministries. Their friendship and their ministry expertise has been a great blessing to us.
Separate from their connection with GCIM, Amos and Doris have traveled extensively throughout Asia and China for many years, teaching and preaching the Gospel. They have established several Bible schools and as Directors of RHEMA China are now overseeing the expansion of training programs and churches throughout China. They are also pastoring a Chinese-speaking church in Vancouver, Canada, which they have restructured and developed into an outstanding church.
Amos and Doris have a great love for Chinese-speaking people everywhere. This love and passion has propelled them into the ministry that they have today. They have sacrificed many things to fulfill the call of God and will continue to do what is necessary to bring revival to China and to Chinese-speaking churches.
I am asking all of our friends and partners to prayerfully consider becoming a partner of AWMI and supporting this great couple and the work that God has called them to do. This is a great opportunity to invest in a ministry that is on the ground in Asia and China – working closely with Chinese pastors to establish Bible schools and a church-pioneering network.
Thank you for helping Amos and Doris fulfill the call of God on their lives. We encourage you to go to their website to find out more about their ministry and how to join with them both with your prayers and finances.